redsn0w更新可JB越獄iOS 4.3.2

redsn0w更新可JB越獄iOS 4.3.2

Only a few weeks after the 4.3.1 untether created by @i0n1c was released, Apple pushed out firmware 4.3.2. Thankfully, it appears Apple didn't have a chance to fix the hole used by @i0n1c's untether, so he ported his code over to 4.3.2's kernel.  Today's redsn0w has been updated to include it.

The 4.3.2 untether works on all devices that actually support 4.3.2 except for the iPad2:

  • iPhone3GS

  • iPhone4 (GSM)  

  • iPod touch 3G

  • iPod touch 4G

  • iPad1

redsn0w 0.9.6rc14:


Orignal From: redsn0w更新可JB越獄iOS 4.3.2